. Bible Student Archives - Chronology

Biblical Chronology and History

Romans 15:4 Whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction...

Chronology in the Bible — Richard W. Stewart 2020
This book’s purpose is to show that the chronology, taught by Pastor Russell, conforms to the principles of logic, arithmetic, and measurement and is fully supported by and in harmony with the Holy Scriptures.
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Consolidated Chronology Chart — Raju Krishna, Bangalore India
All the major biblical chronology lines layered on the Divine Plan of the Ages.
Use zoom tool views to examine extraordinary details.

Which is the True Chronology — Julian T. Gray, 1934
Here is presented Scriptural and historical evidence for Biblical Chronology found to be in harmony with "Studies in the Scriptures" and the key components for six millenniums from creation leading to the seventh.
Readers are encouraged to first read the Publisher's Foreword and friendly critique following the cover page.
Then proceed with the Author's Foreword before examining the details.
The 160 pages have a bookmarks index for easy navigation to the various sections.

True Bible Chronology — Raju Krishna, Bangalore India
A study substantiating Bible chronology in contrast to proposals for a new stream of time and prophecy.

Chronology Study — Raju Krishna, Bangalore India
A Power Point program examining the 2043 and 1874 chronologies, validating the Biblical time line.
Or open as an Adobe PDF file: ChronologyStudy.pdf

Panorama of World History — Sebastian C. Adams, 1878
A graphical Time Line map of families, nations, kingdoms and empires while comparing parallel events from Adam until 1878.
Scrolling horizontally moves through time.
Viewing events above or below indicates parallel historical events.
The chart is most detailed and is best downloaded to zoom, scroll and pan features to thoroughly inspect this document.
Please read the introductory page.

Biography — Sebastian C. Adams, 1825 - 1898

BC and AM synchronization — Bible chronology tabulation
A table of Bible chronology with BC and AM notations for 6000 years from creation and supporting texts

Jewish Timeline — Hebrew calendar and Bible chronology
A table noting the differences

Calculating Across BC and AD — Steve Palmgren
Some are helped with verbal explanations. Others like to do the math.
For others, a picture is worth a thousand words.
This clear explanation suggests a visual and math friendly method.

Years 1872-1873-1874 — Understanding the date references
These years are frequently cited in Volume 2 of Studies in the Scriptures.
We understand the Hebrew Calendar begins with Tishri in the autumn. The Gregorian calendar begins in winter with January.
References must be carefully understood with words like "until," "to," "through," and "following."
Here is a mapping of the time lines and some explanations for references to these dates.

Christ's Birth, Baptism and Crucifixion dates — Morton Edgar, 1924
Six pages from "Great Pyramid Passages" volume 2 pages 49-54.
Evidences from the books of Luke and Daniel.
Evidence — A short Scripture tabulation for the birth date of Jesus

The Present Age and Times to Come — Hugo Karlén, Sweden 1942
A careful analysis of the periods from Adam to the Flood -> Abraham -> Exodus -> Judges -> Kings

Bible Chronology Chart — Watch Tower 1909-1916.
The main Biblical elements of history and prophecy from Adam through the Millennial Age.
A high resolution 15 meg. file. Allow time for downloading.
It is a scan of the original image of 44 inches wide.
The file initially displays at full page width. Best examined by zooming for closer views and pan to areas of interest.

Chronology for us Common Folk — David S. Doran
Basic and major concepts put into bite-sized pieces so that we can gain a solid foundation for our faith and not be subject to periodic storms of controversy regarding the stream of time in the Bible.

Marking Time — Jerry Leslie
A treatise validating the various segments of Bible history and chronology

A Test of Time — Bob Gray
An affirmation of the Bible chronology in "The Time is at Hand."
In these latter years of the harvest, criticism of the chronology and prophetic time markers—while claiming Biblical basis—and while purporting to vindicate Br. Russell, nevertheless, dismantle the chronology as presented in The Time is at Hand by 170 years and realign time prophecies.
That approach while claiming a Biblical footing, fails to meet certain Scriptural requirements.

Judges List — 450 years Tabulation
Here is a clear tabular listing of the Judges with Scripture references.

Period of the Judges — Peter Karavas 2006
Biblical evidence that Israel's Judges lasted 450 years.

Judges 450 Years — Jerry Leslie 2016
A contextual validation of Acts 13:20 and 1Kings 6:1 with evidence of 450 years for the Judges.

Period of Judges — Acts 13:19-20 as reported by Apostle Paul (David Doran, 2024)
This article is for the purpose of reporting on how the Greek text used in the RVIC, and nearly all modern Bibles, can be translated or comprehended to agree with the accuracy in the KJV
— thus bringing the "Received Text" and the "Critical Text" into functional agreement.

The Biblical 70 Years — Charles Redeker
A look at the exile and desolation periods. A confirmation of Biblical Chronology

Desolation This Day — Wes Cramer, Audio recording Chicago 2019
Handout Pages — References for the evidence
The Biblical case for desolation versus captivity with testimony from Moses and Jeremiah.
Jeremiah plus 5 witnesses for the evidence are presented.

Clear Vision of Chronology CHART — Nebuchadnezzar to Cyrus
    ~This chart illustrates the years synchronizing with Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, the last kings of Judah, and the kings of Babylon.
The Biblical years before the desolation of Jerusalem, followed with the 70-years prophecy until Cyrus.
Due to the size, it is necessary to pan and zoom to various points of interest.
    ~Various date-points are expanded with explanations in the following link:

Clear Vision of Chronology ARTICLE — The Biblical and Historical Evidence
It will be useful to open both the Chart and this Article in separate tabs, in order to examine a date in the chart and then reference the article to locate detailed explanations for the date-points.

Key Events — In Daniel's Prophecies
From the 70 Literal Years of Desolation and 70 Symbolic Weeks reaching to Messiah.
Here are marked the key dates and figures on a timeline of history from the Desolation of Jerusalem until the commission of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah.
Helpful to visually relate the persons and events on the stage of history and prophecy.
Prepared by the Associated Bible Students of Ohio.

The Desolation of Israel — Peter Karavas, 2015
Two views of the 70 years. Questions and answers establishing a full 70 years from the destruction of Jerusalem to Cyrus.

Dating the Desolation — Jerry Leslie
A study of 70-Years from the destruction of Jerusalem to Cyrus
Biblical evidence charting the desolation from Jerusalem to Cyrus

Evidence from VAT 4956 — for dating the desolation from 607 BC.
This Babylonian cuneiform tablet inscribed on two sides has evidence with 13 lunar synchronisms that affirm the years of Nebuchadnezzar's reign and therefore the year of the siege and fall of Jerusalem.

20th Year of Artaxerxes — Richard Doctor, 2017
Research exploring the evidence for counting the years of Artaxerxes when appointed by his father Xerxes. Both Nehemiah and Themistocles begin counting the advancement to power of Artaxerxes in 474. BC, hence, his “twentieth year” would be 454 BC.

Say ye not a Confederacy — Jerry Leslie
A study of the last kings of Judah, from Josiah to Zedekiah

Mistakes of Ptolemy, the Pagan Historian — Morton Edgar 1922
This letter appeared in the August 15, 1922 Watch Tower. Edgar broke with the WT within a couple years of this letter over the very matters of revisionism detailed in this letter.

NO CHANGE IN CHRONOLOGY — George H. Fisher, about 1920-1923
His reasons for supporting and confirming the Scripture Studies chronology against rising objections and alternatives.
His typed manuscript was submitted as a Watch Tower article, but never used and left unpublished. The evidence examines the Jubilee cycles, Jehoiakim, Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus. The "desolation" of Jerusalem is carefully examined and the consequences of revisionism. Fisher was distancing himself from changes surfacing in ranks of the WTB&T Society after the death of Pastor Russell.

Edgar 1930 Letter — Details of the Jubilee and chronology systems, Morton Edgar 1930
A personal letter elaborates the precision of the Jubilee and time prophecies. He references time points according to the Gregorian calendar and synchronized the Hebrew agriculture year reckoning.
Graphic charts accompany the file to assist with visualizing the spans between quarter year points.

Bible Chronology — Morton Edgar, 1936
An open letter validating 6000 years of Chronology and a 1948 supplement on the Period of Judges.
Extracted from "Gleanings from Glasgow"
with nearly 800 pages of Edgar studies and correspondence. Still available at:

Chronology Charts — Morton Edgar, 1924
9 Time Parallels of the Divine Plan of the Ages
with synchronisms for history and prophecy

Bible Chronology — 6000 years of human history

Jewish Double — Confirms history & prophecy

The Gospel Age — David S. Doran
Two definitions and overlapping of ages. (From Ted Smith Discourse Service in 1972)

Lundquist Chart — Genealogy and Chronology with graphics and timeline from Adam to AD 70.
Charted by Marie Lundquist in the mid 1950s. The original was 40 inches wide. Zoom and pan to explore the details.

Patriarchs — Six Tabulations of the Patriarchs:
1- Concurrent lives the Patriarchs until Moses, 2- Terah and Abraham family tree, 3- Noah family tree,
4- 12 Sons comparative listings, 5- Jacob and Esau families, 6- Age, date & contemporaries

Jacob Moved to Egypt with 70 Souls — Genesis 36:27; Exodus 1:5
Tabulation of the families and names of the 70 with Scripture references

Year of the Deluge/Flood and the days of Noah
Calendar of events and dates from Genesis 7-8

Memorial Dates — 200 years of Memorial dates from 1870 - 2069
Setting the Hebrew calendar follows a complex but consistent formula used for centuries.
The Memorial is held on the evening that begins Nisan 14, starting with the sunset of Nisan 13.

Additional Image Album for Time and Chronology Charts
Bible chronology, God's rest of 7000 years, Patriarchs, Days of Noah, prophecies and much more.

Click on any image for an enlarged view.