Prophetic Perspectives

Hab. 2:3 The vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak...

All the Prophets — Wilf McNee, Canada 1948
A list of 24 prophets with reference to Acts 3:21

Sand of the Seashore — Bob Gray
Abrahamic Covenant with natural and spiritual Israel as channels of blessing with a New Covenant.

Advent Definitions
Greek and Hebrew words relating to Christ's personal return

Our Lord's Return — Object and manner, C.T. Russell, 1877
This was Charles T. Russell's first publication (1877) and written while
he was working with N.H. Barbour. In it, he presents the view that Christ had already returned invisibly, though no date is presented for this momentous event. C. T. Russell examined the purpose and manner of Chist's second advent and that with his invisible presence, has begun the work of gathering his church and the work of the millennium.
These early details were introducing the concept of Christ's presence.
His later publication in 1900 explores the subject in greater detail.

Our Lords Return — Parousia, Epiphania, Apokolupsis, C.T. Russell, 1900
This expanded version explores the the 3 stages in Chist's second advent and affirms this began in the Autumn of 1874.

The Second Advent — Morton Edgar, Scotland
Prophecy, object and manner of Christ's second advent

Concept Proofs of the Second Presence — Kenneth Rawson
Time and character of the first advent and second advent parallels

Sabbath and Millennium — Jerry Leslie
An examination of the venerable tradition connection of the Sabbath system with the Millennium

Restitution - Has Begun. Objections and Replies. Portions quoted from Arthur Newell's notes

Not by Power nor by Might — Julius Bednarz
A prophetic, practical and personal explanation of Zechariah chapter 4
The vision of two olive trees, a candlestick, seven bowls of olive oil, a great mountain and a headstone.

Chariots of Salvation — Zechariah 6:1-8. Anton C. Frey
God carries out four salvations, or plateaus of existence, involving the world of mankind. These four salvations are in Zechariah’s prophecy represented by four chariots and their respective horses. “These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth” (Zech. 6:5) with regard to the whole world of mankind, once lost in Adam, but redeemed through Christ Jesus.

Zechariah, Prophet of Restoration — Albert O. Hudson, England 1970
The prophet and the book
16 Chapters begin with a consideration of the Prophet Zechariah followed by major divisions and visions.
The Book of Zechariah is remarkable because of its unshakeable confidence in the ultimate execution of the Divine purpose despite the shortcomings and frailty of man.

Prophecy in Perspective — Raju Krishna, Bangalore India
Using Studies in the Scriptures (Volumes 1, 2, 3), Bible chronology and prophecies are integrated and overlaid on a schematic of the Plan of the Ages. History, dates and prophetic periods can be compared by examining the various levels. The full measurement of this graphic is 108 X 72 inches and opens initially to a reduced display of the chart width.
Changing the PDF display percent allows for panning and examining larger details.

The Plowman Shall Overtake the Reaper — Albert O. Hudson, England 1992
A Parable for our times. Understanding the prophecy of Amos 9:13-14

Jacob's Trouble — Albert O. Hudson, England 1968
Gog and Magog at the End of the Age. An exposition of Ezekiel 38/39
The establishment of the Kingdom of God upon earth in the time of the Second Advent is preceded by a final and decisive conflict between the forces of good and evil.
Those powers and institutions of this world which have been built upon human greed and injustice launch a concerted attack upon the new rulership which comes to bring peace to the nations, abolish war, pestilence, disease and death, and make the earth a fitting dwelling-place for redeemed humanity.

A Voice Behind Thee — Albert O. Hudson, England 1978
Here is God’s promise that in the time of Israel’s greatest extremity, when the great forces of evil, the “hosts of Gog and Magog”,
are descending upon their rebuilt and prosperous land, God will await the cry of faith and will answer it.

Prophetic Timeline — Ric Cunningham
Compiled as an outgrowth of personal studies and collaboration with other Bible Students.
Israel, World, Church, Great Company, Christendom are color coded & display additional details with each subsequent page.

Daniel in Babylon — Albert O. Hudson, England 1971 - 1973
A Journey through History and prophecy from the book of Daniel. The story of a great man's faith.
16 narratives and lessons from the life and experiences of Daniel in Babylon.

A Little Horn — Jerry Leslie
Understanding the Beast, horns and little horn of Daniel 7... (New Appendix)

Handwriting on the Wall — Its Hidden Meaning, Julian T. Gray 1968
Daniel 5:25-28 A study of the prophetic weights and measures for 2520 years of the Gentile times.

The Time of the End — Bob Gray, 2005
A verse by verse analysis of Daniel 11 in the context of the book of Daniel, history and prophecy

Daniel 11:1-19 in History — Gail Grabner, 2016
Prophetic fulfillment on the pages of history. Appendices with tabular chronology and events.

Vessels Returned from Babylon — Julian T. Gray, 1964
Their number and significance with the Jubilees (Ezra 1:7-11)

Greater than Cyrus — A type of Christ and the last link in Bible Chronology with secular history.
A historical record of Cyrus' rise to power and together with Darius to overthrow Babylon.
This tracks the years of co-regency of Cyrus with Darius until the first year of Cyrus and release of Jews to return to the land.
A timeline of the 70 years from the desolating of Jerusalem until the first year of Cyrus: 70Years.pdf
The notes are in a discourse format with flags for changing PowerPoint slides. Cyrus.ppsx

Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem — Irving Foss, Pittsburgh 1934
The work of Nehemiah with prophetic indications and lessons for our times. — Codex Sinaiticus Project
An international collaboration to reunite the entire manuscript in digital form and make it accessible to a global audience.
Digital photography of the leaves of Codex Sinaiticus is central to the Project's virtual reunification of the manuscript.
Select the MANUSCRIPT tab to choose a passage. Zoom or pan the original, review the Greek Transcription and Translation.

Sinaitic — H.A. Livermore, Translation of Revelation from the Sinaitic Manuscript with annotations by John Meggison

Unlocking Revelation — With Brother Russell's Keys. Bob Gray, 2003
1—Definitions 2—Chap.12 3—1260 Years 4—Image Beast 5—Torment 6—New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem — Revelation chapters 21 and 22 — Hugo Karlén, Sweden 1947
Hugo Karlén was better known for his Great Pyramid studies.
This study on Revelation Kingdom visions is a composite of 6 studies during 1947.
Each study is marked with a section heading.
They are grouped under the general topic of: The millennial reign of Christ on earth.

Notes on the Book of Revelation — William J. Hollister, 1886 - 1960
These 40 pages were printed and distributed in May 1960, a mere 4 months before his death in September.
William and his 3 brothers were elders in the final years of Pastor Russell. The whole Hollister family left the WTB&TS in 1917 or 1918. Portions reflect on experiences and lessons following 1916. The opening letter addressed to "Brooklyn, N.Y., May 1, 1941" was to the Dawn that was still in Brooklyn in that year. This transcript was carefully compared to the original typed version and retains his own underlining emphasis.

Notes on the Revelation of Jesus Christ — Anton C. Frey, 1895 - 1987
These notes are a compilation of all that C.T. Russell wrote on the subject.
Where Brother Russell has given no specific thought, Anton Frey supplied what seemed to be harmonious. 252 Pages.

Revelation Interpreted — Eugene Burns, 2001
A verse by verse rendering of Revelation with bracketed interpretation and application of each.
Includes an extensive Appendix with questions, answers, symbols, interpretations and glossary.

Revelation Topical Study — Eugene Burns, 2001
Expanded lessons on the visions of John the Revelator. Detailed explanations, history, explanations and graphics.
Eugene Burns often used these subjects for Bible Student lessons.

Revelation Simplified — New Albany-Louisville Bible Students Ecclesia, 2013
Designed to make Revelation approachable in the form of a paraphrase and narrative. 220 pages

Revelation Notebook — New Albany-Louisville Bible Students Ecclesia, 2015
In-depth topical approach to Revelation. Includes charts, tables, glossary, indexes. 494 pages

Seven Churches of Revelation — Charles Redeker
Their placement on the stream of time, the messages and messengers

Opening of the Seven Seals — Levi Jacobs
Transcript of a discourse in the 1960s regarding Revelation 5-7

Trumpets and Seals of Revelation — Chester Sundbom, Revelation 6-11

The Beast and his Image — Chester Sundbom
A study from Daniel and Revelation

Patterns for the Last Days — Donald Holliday, England
A series of six distinctive prophetic lessons for Israel and the end-times:
Jacob at Jabbok
      Story of Joseph
            I Will Make it Again
                  Shout of a King
                        Cyrus and Christ
                              Esther and our Times

Cyrus and Christ — Donald Holliday, England
Type and Antitype, Christ's second Advent

Retrospective Wisdom — Donald Holliday, England
Lessons from Cyrus, Babylon, Moses, Daniel and Israel for our times

The Times of Harvest — Donald Holliday, England
The pattern of events in past and present harvests