Publications, Books, References
Isaiah 30:8 Write it before them on a tablet, and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come...
Thy Word is Truth A composite of three booklets printed between 1905 and 1908.
They were handy references for colporteurs and Bible Students. This version has Reprint references, typographic corrections and a navigation index while retaining the original format.
Food for Thinking Christians C.T. Russell, 1881. His first composite publication of the major elements of the Plan of the Ages and introducing the Chart of the Ages for the thinking and reasoning Christian community. Facsimile of the original publication, A large 56 meg file.
FOOD C.T. Russell, 1881.
The same but as a smaller file of searchable text only, mapped to the original pages. 576 kb.
Revising and Revisions Transcribing, modifying and revising original manuscripts led to many difficulties
Photo-Drama of Creation International Bible Students Association
The Photo-Drama of Creation debuted in 1914 and was one of the first cinematic productions of its kind.
This traces the Biblical account of Paradise Lost to Paradise Restored.
The large collection of slides were all hand-painted by volunteers of the International Bible Students Association.
An online reproduction of the program is now available for viewing.
It is copyrighted, not to hinder others from a good work, but to prevent any ignoble use of the name and method.
Audio/Visual Restoration Project:
The entire Photo-Drama program:
Tabernacle Shadows C.T. Russell, originally circulated 1881 - 1916
A concise examination of Israel's tabernacle sacrifices explains how they symbolically point to the work of Jesus and his followers.
This was first prepared in 1881 as "The Tabernacle and its Teachings." It was expanded and published in 1899 as "Tabernacle Shadows of the 'Better Sacrifices'." from which this copy is made corresponding to the original last issued by Pastor Russell in 1915 with the original graphics.
Here is a guide to understanding the literal and symbolic lessons of the Tabernacle — the meeting place between God and His chosen people Israel. It is a thorough examination of the significance of the ancient sacrifices under the Mosaic Law and how these picture Christ’s work of redemption.
It was God's plan to have the Tabernacle arrangement teach many wonderful and important lessons. The Apostle Paul states that the Tabernacle and the priests who served it are an example or shadow of heavenly (spiritual) things. This book considers some of the lessons that the Tabernacle symbolically teaches us.
The Divine Plan of the Ages Charles T. Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, 1886-1916
One of the most thorough examinations of the Scriptures ever written, this series harmonizes the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, in the light of the Bible’s own inspired statements.
This is the first in the series of 6 volumes. It delineates God's plan from paradise lost to paradise restored. This clear exposé of scripture lays the foundation for understanding the Bible in context and a topical perspective.
Millennial Hopes C. T. Russell. Addendum to the 1912 edition of “The Divine Plan.”
Extending 14 more pages: “Is Restitution Practicable?” This is an answer to “higher critics” with a detailed mathematical and statistical analysis regarding the earth accommodating a resurrection of all the dead. Also published in Old Theology Quarterly No. 64, January 1904.
The Time is at Hand Charles T. Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, 1886-1916
This second volume lays out a chain of testimony on the subject of God's appointed times and seasons.
It presents a complete Bible chronology relating to “the time of the end” and “the times of restitution.” (Acts 3:21).
Prophecies and signs of Sabbaths, Jubilees, Dispensations, Elijah and the "Man of Sin" are examined.
The book of Daniel with insights to the object and manner of the second advent of Christ are clearly explained.
Notitia Bibliographica A supplementary directory of references composed by Eric Patterson, 2011
Bibliography and Biographical notations for Volume 2, "The Time is at Hand" Chapter 9, "The "Man of Sin." Here is a comprehensive review of cited and uncited resources used by Pastor Russell with expanded backgrounds and quotations from each source.
Thy Kingdom Come Charles T. Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, 1886-1916
This third volume examines prophetic events which point to God’s Kingdom
and the thousand-year reign of Christ and his Church.
It includes such subjects as Israel, the prophecy of Daniel 11, the harvest of the wheat and tares,
the final deliverance of the Church, and the hope of the world to come under Christ’s benevolent rule.
It includes a unique chapter on the corroborative testimony of the Great Pyramid in Egypt
as God’s Stone Witness.
This edition includes the author’s 1891 Preface as well as his final 1916 Foreword.
The Appendix is an 1891 letter written from a missionary in China.
The Battle of Armageddon Charles T. Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, 1886-1916
This fourth volume examines the Scriptural and historical basis for the "controversy" which the Lord has with the nations of earth, including social, military, financial and religious institutions. The Biblical indictment and removal of these leads to the establishment of God's kingdom of truth and righteousness. Some details are:
* A Foreword with prophecy and signs leading to the 1914 "Great War" and global changes since.
* the destruction of symbolic Babylon,
* the necessity and justice of the Day of Vengeance,
* the assembling of the nations and preparation of the elements,
* our Lord's great prophecy (Matthew 24),
* establishment of the Kingdom of righteousness.
The Atonement between God and Man Charles T. Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, 1886-1916
This fifth volume discusses how this central theme of the Scriptures explains how and when all mankind will ultimately benefit by Jesus’ sacrifice.
The key-note of this volume is the ransom price. From this doctrine radiates all other doctrines connected
with our salvation.
An understanding of the ransom permits Christians to decide at once what is truth and error.
It traces paradise lost to paradise restored through the Atonement — the process by which God brings
the world of mankind back into harmony with Him through the sacrifice of His Son.
It examines Jesus’ role as the Mediator of the New Covenant and the relationship between the Father,
His Son and His Holy Spirit.
The New Creation Charles T. Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, 1886-1916
This sixth volume brings clarity and meaning to the instructions of Jesus and the Apostles toward the purpose, plan and development of the body of Christ — the New Creation.
God’s “New Creation” is a principal theme of the Bible—first in types or pictures, finally in reality.
It considers in detail the Genesis account of creation, practical Christian issues of marriage and raising children, the doctrine of baptism, the Passover of the New Creation and establishing Bible study fellowships.
The concluding chapters consider the present inheritance and the resurrection inheritance of this New Creation.
This subject focuses on the instruction by Jesus and the Apostles with fresh meaning.
As the Temple of the Living God, each Christian is to honor, praise and glorify God.
Studies in the Scriptures Concordance Indexes to all 6 Volumes for:
Dates, Names, Reference resources, Places, Hebrew, Greek, Groups and Vocabulary
What Pastor Russell Taught on the Covenants, Mediator, Ransom, Sin Offering Atonement
In 1919 Leslie W. Jones compiled numerous articles on these subjects. Later were appended notes from a 1907 Question meeting in St. Louis, Missouri conducted by Pastor Russell. Then a detailed study from Benjamin H. Barton was added to make this a comprehensive resource.
A topical index follows the first section. A scripture index is included and the final page includes a cross reference for the Reprint references corresponding to the original Tower notations indicated with the letter “Z” throughout.
In this edition, each “Z” notation is marked with a URL link that opens a web page with text from the Tower Reprints article as originally published.
Messenger of Millennial Hope Charles F. Redeker, 2006
Life and times of Pastor Charles T. Russell and the Bible Student movement.
The Laodicean Messenger W. M. Wisdom, 1923
A biographical account of the life of Charles T. Russell through the eyes a contemporary Bible Student of those events and times.
Please read introductory words of discretion for the reader in the Foreword page vii
Memorial Meditations A compilation of the writings of Charles Taze Russell on the subject of:
The Memorial of our Lord's death
Benjamin Wilson 1817 - 1900
Author of the Emphatic Diaglott. Short biography by his nephew W. H. Wilson
For a comprehensive review of the history and acquisition of the Diaglott publisher rights, see: DHistory
Emphatic Diaglott 1902 edition Searchable PDF version for the introductory notes and Appendix.
Emphatic Diaglott 1902 full version 884 pages. First published by Benjamin Wilson in 1864.
The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society acquired the publishing and distribution rights in 1902.
This copy has a Navigation index to every book and chapter.
The final section is an "Alphabetical Appendix of the geographical and proper names, weights, measures, coins, precious stones, Apostolic words and phrases, etc.
RVIC Revised Version (American Edition) Improved and Corrected, J.B. Parkinson, 2020
Old and New Testaments from Manuscripts discovered and published to A.D. 2009.
Special usefulness of this rendering is found in Notations in the Text, Notations in Footnotes and Appendices.
These are fully explained in the Preface for each Testament.
A special feature of this new edition is additional pages of Maps and Special Days and offerings at the end.
This PDF allows changing the viewable zoom level, searching the text and navigating to selected chapters with the Bookmarks.
Faith's Foundations John, Morton and Minna Edgar.
This is a compilation of 12 booklets printed in Scotland mostly before 1914 by John, Morton and Minna Edgar.
It contains their writings on a variety of devotional and doctrinal subjects:
Abraham, Socialism, Trees, Where are the Dead, Resurrection, Faith, Waiting on God, Mythology, Israel, Prayer,
Memoirs of Aunt Sarah and John Edgar.
Verse or graphics follow each chapter. The book has a complete index of scriptures.
This is also available as a book from the publishers at:
Studies in the Psalms Joseph Rotherham, 1911, 611 pages
Rotherham, the British biblical scholar and translator of the Emphasized Bible, adds notes and expository comments to each of the Psalms.
The Introduction includes views of the Psalms as: Literature, Lyrics, Sacred Learning and Holy Living.
Studies in the Scriptures, vol. 1, page 175 Pastor Russell says he regarded Rotherham as "one of the most scrupulous translators."
In the 1916 Towers page 309, [R5971]. he recommends Rotherham among "the highest scholarship."
Use the bookmark navigation index to move directly to any selected chapter.
Rotherham Appendix Joseph Rotherham Appendix to the Emphasized Bible 1902
Rotherham assented to many elements of Present Truth and here adds substantial supporting evidences.
Subject notes on the OT and NT. Use the navigation index to link with the topics.
Rotherham Notes More notes by Rotherham on:
The Incommunicable Name, Destruction of the Canaanite Nations, Genealogy of Ruth and Boaz, Notes on Psalms.
Bible Study Monthly A 70-Year Journal Index, 1932 - 2001
Published in England. Supported by Albert O. Hudson with scholarly articles until his death in 2000.
Personal opinions may occur in some articles. Most all are worthy of careful consideration and to
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." 1 Thess. 5:21.
Please read the USING menu for a more detailed description and use of the index.
Other menus separate the vast list of references into several topical sections.
Linkage is made to scans of the original articles of the journal.
Click any selected link to open an article in a separate tab. Zoom for preferred viewing.
Then scroll or page forward or back.
Bible Students in Britain The story of a hundred years. Albert O. Hudson, 1989
The history of a fellowship which conducted a remarkable Christian work during the early twentieth century, survived the sad interlude which imperiled its future, and rose above the threat to continue its witness into the present.
This is the story, so far as the United Kingdom is concerned, of the “Harvest of the Age.”
The Life of Christ Frederic W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S., 1831 - 1903
Volume 1, Volume 2. Written in 1874 and first published in England as two volumes.
Read his biography at:
This is a classical work in scope, beauty, scholarship, depth, faith and inspiration. His tender portrayal of Christ is written "as a believer to believers" and draws from the Gospels, Josephus, apocryphal writers, philosophers, poets, years of research, his own translation of the Gospels from Greek, and personal experiences.
Chapter headings that make it very easy to navigate so that it can be read alongside the Gospels themselves.
The Appendix explores and expands 15 subjects of interest for Bible Students.
In 1887 Farrar was sent a bound copy of Millennial Dawn.
A search of the HTDB found at least 25 citations and quotes from Farrar in Pastor Russell's publications.
These two PDF volumes are quite large and are best downloaded and used according to the six points noted on the Archives Home page — PDF USAGE for searching and viewing.
The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Alexander Hislop 1807 - 1863. 330 pages.
Hislop was a minister of the Free Church of Scotland known for his criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church.
Here is his treatment that Catholicism is a continuation of the pagan religion of ancient Babylon founded by the Biblical king Nimrod and the Assyrian queen Semiramis.
The book has had its critics from both Catholic and Protestant reviewers.
Yet it remains as a standard of historical evidence of the counterfeit.
This was published in 1853 as a pamphlet, then greatly revised and expanded and released as a book in 1858.
A 3rd edition was published in 1862, a 7th edition in 1871, a popular edition in 1903. This is the 1871 edition.
The PDF can be searched and has a chapter navigation index and linked to various sub topics.
The World War And What Was Behind It, Louis Paul Bénézet, 248 pages
Bénézet was the Superintendent of Schools in Evansville Indiana and published this in 1918.
Being an astute historian and his proximity to the first World War gave him a unique view of a changed world.
This war stood on the brink of history that changed the world ever after.
The book deals with the remarkable sequence of events in Europe which made the great war inevitable.
The author shows that political boundaries are largely king-made, and that they have seldom been drawn with regard to the natural division of Europe by nationalities, or to the wishes of the mass of the population.
The book was prepared for students, teachers and the board of education. It is easy reading, Yet here is a book which gives us facts, context and history in simple language and illustrated with maps and charts.
The contents are bookmarked for easy linkage and includes a comprehensive index.
The Fall of the Dynasties Edmond Taylor, 1963
Chronicle of Europe's Old Order. Anatomy of the socio-political structures which have produced the 20th century. Covering the years 1905-1922, the survey centers on the four doomed dynasties, the Ottomans, Romanovs, Habsburgs and Hohenzollerns. It extends from the Edwardian Era to the post-WWI debacle. Its portraits include those of Franz Joseph and his Austro-Hungarian stronghold; the mock-heroic Kaiser Wilhelm; Abdul Hamid, deposed by the Young Turk movement; Czar Nicholas and Rasputin, old Russia's spiritual scourge. All existed in a cultural circus whose anarchist assassin ushered in the new age of radicalism and revolt, of blood and thunder ideologies, of political psychopaths like Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini.
It provides an incredibly useful foundation for understanding the causes leading up to World War I.
The author clearly demonstrates how much the war was a turning point for major empires, and how life was irreversibly changed forever.
See also the works of Hobsbawm, "Age of Empire 1875-1914" and Tuchman, "The Guns of August."
Bible Talks in Simple Language Horace C. Fry, 1896
624 pages. Regularly offered in the pages of the Tower between 1898 - 1916:
"Next to the Creation SCENARIO, this is the best book of its kind we have ever seen.
It presents the Bible stories in simple but not childish language and seems remarkably free from the bad
theology so common in this class of books. Christian parents should have a Sunday Bible lesson with their children, and this book furnishes interesting topics, to which may be added as much concordant "Present Truth" as the age of the children will justify. Parents are responsible for their children's training in theology as well as in morals."
The Ten Camels Laura K. Poole, 1929, 144 pages.
Written in Canada for her daughter, Linnet, was first published in 1929 in Australia, reprinted in 1955.
This was a way of introducing 10 basic Biblical doctrines and the Divine Plan for a little child.
The language is typical of home style teaching nearly 100 years ago. The truths and lessons are timeless.
While her parents are deceased, Linnet still lives in Canada with fond memories of those childhood lessons.