Notable Articles and Treatises
Psalm 145:11 They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom and talk of thy power
Chart of the Ages C.T. Russell.
History of early Biblical charts and the introduction of the Chart of the Ages.
High resolution scans of original Chart of the Ages published between 1881 and 1916.
This file is better downloaded and viewed with a local PDF viewer than in a browser.
Three Discourses on the Divine Plan I.B.S.A. - 1916
Outlines of the Divine Plan of the Ages on the Chart of the Ages.
Designed with thoughts for public preaching by the aid of the Chart of the Ages.
48 pages. Full scan of the booklet with searchable text.
Epitome of the Faith Once Delivered unto the Saints - 1907
"Instructor's Guide" Part II of the "Berean Bible Teachers' Manual" for the Assistance of Bible Students compiled by G. W. Seibert.
Biblical topics assembled with helpful references.
Early Christian View of War and Military Service, 46 pages
Bible Students Coordinating Committee for Religious Objectors and Selective Service Concerns.
- Historical Facts
- Significance of the Early Christian Witness
- Scriptural References
Links: Religious Objection ~
Conscience and War ~
Center on Conscience
Association of Bible Students Its Historic position Toward War, 9 pages
- History and Background of the Bible Students Positon
- Christian Duty
- Resolutions
- Members Hold Historic Position
- Not to Evade Service
- Objection an Elementary Christian Principle
Vision of Present Truth Michael R. Nekora, 1933 - 2011
Presented at the International Convention in Miskolc Hungary in 1998. It considers the mission and message of C. T. Russell.
It is part of a collection of 48 lessons between 1963 and 2002 that he assembled "for Sharing."
These are available in the original typed format and indexed by subject at
John Meggison Notes from his Bible - verse by verse commentary. Old and New Testaments.
Through the Volumes in a Year
PDF document containing a daily reading schedule for completing the Six Volumes
of Studies in the Scriptures in a year.
Through the Towers in 3+ Years
PDF document containing a daily reading schedule for the Reprinted Towers in 3¼ years.
El Shaddai Allan Ross, 2013
A lesson on the names of The Almighty and the special significance of "El Shaddai"
The Lord our God is one Lord A Scriptural Evaluation of the Trinity, 50 pages
Origin of the Trinity
One Supreme God
The Only Begotten Son
The Holy Spirit not a person
Appendix One: John 1:1; Appendix Two: Monogenes; End notes
The Doctrine of Christ Compiled by Eugene Burns, 1997
A Scriptural and Historical Examination of the Trinity, 80 Pages
Provides views of the early church Fathers and church councils. Through time this “doctrine of Christ” developed into a theology meaning something different from that which was held by John and the entire early Church.
Chapters, Sections, Appendix, Endnotes and References are clearly bookmarked.
Passover Anton Frey: "Notes on the Passover and the Memorial."
Well known for his notes on the Tabernacle, these 37 pages of Passover notes include:
The Jewish Day and Passover timing; Firstborns, Type and Antitype; Ordinance and meal;
The lamb and Jesus; Millennial Israelites; The pilgrimage; Pharaoh and much more.
Annotated with end-notes, a table of Jesus' last week and a scripture index.
A detailed navigation index links to section headings.
Solomon Anton Frey: "Notes on the Song of Solomon."
Wilderness Wanderings Anton Frey: "Our Wilderness Wanderings", lessons from Israel in the wilderness.
See his biography in the Lives and Chronicles section.
Foregleams of the Messiah Charles Redeker, 1982
The Passover and its importance. Messianic predictions. Unraveling obscure details.
Here is an expository on the Passover picture fitting into the chain of types and prophecies.
The study shows how the paschal lamb and the circumstances of its slaying offer definition for identifying the Redeemer.
It examines the practices connected with the Passover, particularly in relation to time features.
Last Week The Last week of our Lord's life with scriptures and
reprint articles for each day fully printed out.
Our Lord's Brethren C. G. R.
An examination of Jesus' family relationships.
The Gospel in the Heavens H.A. Livermore, 1919. Early study in astronomy and scripture.
Heavens Declare the Glory of God H.A. Livermore, 1864-1952.
An advanced study of the Divine Plan of the Ages confirmed in the Stars.
A Night in the Temple Alfred Edersheim, 1874
A watch in the night for the High Priest and under priests
Fear Conrad Binkele. A study on fear with some history, experiences and siftings
See his biography and photos in Lives & Chronicles at
Conrad Binkele
The Curse of Ham Is not found in the Bible
A study of the genealogy of Ham and an examination of the history of slavery
The Garden of Eden Albert O. Hudson, England written 1959-1960
An examination of the story of Adam and Eve
The Story of the Deluge Albert O. Hudson, England written 1974-1976
Biblical, geological and historical account of Noah, the ark and the deluge.
After the Flood Albert O. Hudson, England written 1984-1986
History, archaeology and symbolism upon entering the new world.
King David of Israel Albert O. Hudson, England written 1982-1984
The life and times of a man after God's own heart and a fitting symbol of a greater throne.
Ezekiel's Vision of a New Temple Edmund Jezuit
An examination of various features of the vision and how it beautifully
portrays the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. Included are numerous helpful graphics.
2 Corinthians 3:18 Morton Edgar on "Unveiled Face"
Includes the transcript and graphic of the original text.
Strong Delusions Christian Zahnow, August 15, 1964 (Audio MP3)
His last discourse given in Bloomington, Indiana. It is a notable message for all living in these latter days.
This audio lesson is preserved on the CWC Discourse Service among other lessons by Brother Zahnow
A text transcript of the lessons may also be read in the Ted Smith Discourse Service menu as the last name on the list for Zahnow.
The Biographies file includes Brother Zahnow in the Lives and Chronicles menu.
How WWI changed the world Fareed Zakaria, CNN broadcast, October 3, 2010 (3-minute Audio-Video MP4)
World War I ended nearly 100 years ago at the Treaty of Versailles. Actually the books have just closed with Germany's final reparations payment. The Treaty did end the fighting, but it didn't end the war.
The war caused the collapse of many empires with consequences that continue to haunt us today.
Stone Cut Out of the Mountain Without Hands William A. Baker - Chicago, May 9, 1947 (Audio MP3)
A prophetic survey of events following the years after 1914.
(Quotes given at 27 minutes & 35 seconds into the recording are from: volume three page 58 and volume two page 356)
Sanctification William A. Baker, Nov. 26, 1961 (Audio MP3)
Last discourse before he died in December
The Judgment is Set and the Books are Open W. A. Baker, 1959 (Audio MP3)
Confirming the chronology and prophecy. New Brunswick, N.J.
Blessed is he that cometh to the 1335 days William A. Baker (Audio MP3)
Prophecies of Daniel 12 fulfilled
Cleansing the Sanctuary William A. Baker (Audio MP3)
Prophecies of Daniel 8-9 explained
A Lone Sparrow Eugene Burns, 1985 Piqua Ohio (Audio MP3)
From Psalm 102:7, A prayer of the afflicted
Justification-Was Pastor Russell Mistaken? Ted Smith
The case for tentative justification