Israel in History and Prophecy — With Israel and the God of Jacob
Isaiah 49:6  I will give thee for a light of the nations, that My salvation may be unto the end of the earth
Isaiah 65:24  Before they call, I will answer, and while they are yet speaking, I will hear
Psalm 77:15 Thou hast with Thine arm redeemed Thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph
Jewish Virtual Library — Anything you need to know from Anti-Semitism to Zionism
The source students use for fact-based research pertaining to Judaism, Israel, and the Holocaust.
Nearly 25,000 entries comprise the online encyclopedia of Jewish history, politics and culture.
Like a physical library or museum, here are vast corridors of subject areas. The Library has 13
wings with well documented isles to drill down to the most detailed and researched shelves.
Moreover, its archives open to treasured graphics, images, videos, maps and original documents.
Time Line — Chronology of Jewish History.
Notable events from Abraham to 2008
ISRAEL — Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
This was originally composed as a 2 sided folded brochure; here now as a 2-page PDF
Here is a concise tabulation of history, facts, dates, maps and the future of Israel.
From the Ottoman Empire until the current world.
Warring factions: Israel amidst Arab neighbors.
The future of Israel in prophecy.
The Israeli-Arab Peace Process — and Bible Prophecy, 60 pages.
The historic rights to the land of Palestine are closely examined. The modern partition of the land is also discussed. The Lord's intent to use the nation of Israel to bring blessings to mankind is explained from a Biblical perspective.
Here is Biblical evidence for rights to the land and Israel's prophetic future.
Berlin Congress — 13 June - 13 July 1878
1878 Berlin Congress of nations effect on Palestine
Turning Point — What did the Berlin Congress accomplish and why was it significant?
1878 marked a turning point for Israel
Nation of Miracles — Israel, a modern miracle - 30 pages
Proves Israel's existence and restoration is due to God's returned favor.
Here is the inspirational events happening in this tiny country surroundeded by modern giants.
Embrace your Jewish Heritage — Kenneth Rawson
The purpose of this booklet is to encourage Jews to investigate your remarkable heritage.
Israel: Appointment with Destiny — Full length video, Kenneth Rawson
This stirring documentary has been hailed as a most inspiring and comprehensive historical portrayal of the Jewish people, of Zionism and of the State of Israel.
Acclaimed in the Jewish Press and the Jerusalem Post.
Restoration of Israel — Morton Edgar — With questions and answers
Jewish Hopes — C.T. Russell June 5, 1910. Jerusalem Prospects for God's Chosen People
Booklet published by the International Bible Students in 1910 with the text of the 1910 lecture at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on Jewish Hopes and an epitome of teachings on the restoration of Israel (Zionism). It was this lecture that caught the attention of the Jewish community to issue an invitation to address them at the Hippodrome. See the next file for that lecture.
Hippodrome Jewish Mass Meeting — C.T. Russell October 9, 1910. Zionism in Prophecy
Here is the full report with text of the discourse to 4,000 Jews at the New York Hippodrome on October 9, 1910. It includes the letter of invitation and acceptance, an introductory news report and the full text of the discourse. It is copied from the 1910 Souvenir Notes of Bible Students' Conventions.
Comfort to the Jews — Bible Students Monthly, IBSA 1915
4 Articles reprinted from earlier Newspaper Sermons, Convention Reports, and Volume 1, Number 10 of the BSM.
All are here in this facsimile of Volume VII, Number 12 of The BSM:
• God's Message of Comfort to the Jews
• Pastor Russell Cheered by Audience of Hebrews
• What Pastor Russell Preaches
• Spiritual Israel Then Natural Israel
Balfour Declaration — November 2, 1917
And supplement with the chain of international validation: 1920, 1922 and 1948.
Balfour Supporters — The Jewish fig tree put forth leaves and budded with the 1878 Berlin Congress and friendships between Montefiore, Disraeli, Rothschild, Balfour and Weizmann.
Genesis of the Balfour Declaration — Biot Report #394: September 01, 2006
History of the British involvement in the Jewish-Zionist-Palestine questions from the 1880s and
formative factors in the Declaration.
Biblical Title Deeds of Israel — Map with historical and scriptural prophetic borders and boundaries
Lands of the Bible —
National Geographic, 1967
High resolution map of Israel, including Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon,
Syria, Turkey and Greece.
Somewhat dated political boundaries.
Yet it includes numerous Biblical notes
and locations.
Open with any graphic viewer.
Then zoom and pan to areas of interest.
Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
The Israel Museum welcomes you to the Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Project,
allowing users to examine and explore these ancient manuscripts from Second Temple times at a level of detail never before possible. The website gives users access to searchable, fast-loading, high-resolution images of the scrolls, as well as short explanatory videos and background information on the texts and their history.
The five Dead Sea Scrolls that have been digitized thus far include the Great Isaiah Scroll, the Community Rule Scroll, the Commentary on Habakkuk Scroll, the Temple Scroll, and the War Scroll. In addition, the Great Isaiah Scroll may be searched by column, chapter, and verse, and is accompanied by an English translation tool and by an option for users to submit translations of verses in their own languages.
Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive — Founded by Hebrew University historians
Examine the menu heading categories.
The Archive includes lectures, film research, preservation of films in danger of decay, offering distribution, digitization and accessibility.
Joseph Rabinowitz 1886 Autobiography followed by a Yale Review of his Baptism in 1885
1837 - 1899 Rabinowitz was the founder and prime moving force behind the Jesus-believing Jewish community,
"The Israelites of the New Covenant" in Kishinev which flourished in the mid-1800's.
See also: "Joseph Rabinowitz and the Messianic Movement" by Kai Kjaer-Hansen,
ISBN 10: 080280859X or 13: 9780802808592
Rabinowitz Anthology A large collection of scans and translation of original documents
Notice a treatment of his work in "Studies in the Scriptures" volume 3, pages 279-285
Pastor Russell met with him in 1891 and 1893
Judith Feld Carr — A modern day Raoul Wallenberg. Read her story and be inspired.
Born in Canada 1938, secretly smuggled thousands of Jews out of Syria over a period of 28 years.
"Who will write our history?" — Samuel D. Kassow, 2009
ISBN: 978-0-307-45586-4
Impeccably researched and utterly compelling, Kassow tells the tragic story of Ringelblum and his heroic determination to use historical scholarship to preserve the memory of a threatened people.
In 1940, in the Jewish ghetto of Nazi-occupied Warsaw, the Polish historian Emanuel Ringelblum established a clandestine scholarly organization called the Oyneg Shabes to record the experiences of the ghetto's inhabitants. For three years, members of the Oyneg Shabes worked in secret to chronicle the lives of hundreds of thousands as they suffered starvation, disease, and deportation by the Nazis. Shortly before the Warsaw ghetto was emptied and razed in 1943, the Oyneg Shabes buried thousands of documents from this massive archive in milk cans and tin boxes, ensuring that the voice and culture of a doomed people would outlast the efforts of their enemies to silence them.
"NIGHT" — Elie Wiesel, 1928 - 2016
ISBN: 10:0-374-39997-2 or 10:0-374-50001-0
Nobel masterpiece autobiographical account of surviving Auschwitz, Buna, Birkenau and Buchenwald.
Born in Sighet Romania, deported with the Jewish community with vivid memories of the holocaust, lest other generations ever forget.
His heart yearning questions are answered only with the Biblical promise of a resurrection of all the dead and blessing with the seed of Abraham.