Apostle Paul 2-67 AD Paul in a Roman prison

Paul's first journey Paul's second journey

Paul's third journey Apostle John on Patmos 6-101 AD

Ignatius 35-110 AD Bishop of Antioch Polycarp 69-155 AD

Roman persecution of martyrs Justin Martyr 110-165 AD

Bishop Irenaeus (about 120-200) Origen 185-254

Arius 250-336 Aarius 250-336

Augustine 354-430 Augustine 354-430

Emperior Justinian 482-565 Emperior Charlemagne 742-814

Emperior Charlemagne 742-814 Charlemagne with Papal sword

Peter Waldo 1140-1218 Peter Waldo excommunicated

John Wycliffe 1320s-1284 John Hus 1369-1415

Philip Melanchthon 1497-1560 Philip Melanchthon 1497-1560

Martin Luther 1483-1546 Martin Luther 1483-1546

Luther's trial at Worms, 1521 Reformation memorial in Worms Germany

William Tyndale 1494-1536 Michael Servetus 1511-1553

Heinrich Bullinger 1504-1575 Faustus Socinus 1539-1604

Isaac Newson 1643-1727 Isaac Newson 1643-1727

Isaac Newson on Daniel and Revelation, 1733 Johann Albrecht Bengel 1687-1752

Joseph Priestley 1733-1804 William Miller 1782-1849

Alexander Campbell 1788-1866 Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865

Joseph Seiss 1823-1904 Joseph Seiss 1823-1904

(Dean) Frederic W. Farrar 1831-1903 Henry Grattan Guinness 1835-1910

Charles T. Russell 1852-1916